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Citadel Family Association Volunteer Opportunity

Most families are familiar with the CFA's Blue Shirt Army, but did you know they also are very active in other areas of campus life?  A large effort they provide is assisting our Admissions Office with their recruiting efforts.  For the past two years, CFA volunteers have reached out to the parents of those students that have been accepted to attend The Citadel.  They started small, but have expanded the categories each year.  This year they continue to expand the numbers of calls, so they could really use your help!  

Some of you may remember the phone call that came in from a parent of a current cadet who knew exactly what you were going through.  It was reassuring to have a name and number of someone you could reach out to with any question a parent having a child considering The Citadel might have.  I have heard wonderful stories of the strong friendships created through this program, with families meeting on Matriculation Day and Parents Weekend.  

If you are interested in helping with this effort by sharing your experience and answering questions, please reach out to the CFA Parent to Parent Program Committee Chairs - Kristen Lawton and Pam Brozek.  They will get you all the information and training you will need to make your calls.

This is a great program the CFA has taken on and developed over the years.  I hope you will consider volunteering!

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